
Kata-kata Motivasi Diri [Ampuh Gan,uda Ane buktiin]

twenty year from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowliness, sail away
from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore dream

Let other lead small lives, but not you.
Let others argue small things, but not you.
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.
Let others leave their future in someone's else hand, but not

5 secrets in your room
ROOF says aim high!
FAN says be cool!
CLOCK says every minutes is precious!
MIRROR says reflect before you act!
WINDOWS says see the world with me!

Smooth roads never make good driver
Smooth sea never makes good sailor
Clear sky never make good pilot
Never ask why me, instead try me…

Be more concerned with your character rather than your reputation,
Your character is what you really are,
while your reputation only what others think you are…

One day a man said to God, i love You the most
God took all his wealth and ask: Do you love Me now?
the man said: more than before
God made all his family against him so they all left him
God ask: do you still love Me?
He said: Yes, i do
God made him so poor so he had nothing to wear and eat
God ask once more: do you love me Now?
The man said: i love U even more than before because,

Life is "roller coaster" you can either scream everytime you hit a bump
or you can throw your hands up in the air and enjoy it …

Life gives answer in 3 ways..
it says yes and gives you what you want
it says no and gives you something better
it says wait and gives you the best…

When it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead,
you can look beside you and your bestfriend will be there…

Only two persons are very happy in this world
1st is mad and another is child
so be a MAD to achieve what u desire
and be a CHILD to spread smile on your face….

Nothing in the nature lives for it self
Rivers dont drink their own water
Treesdont eat their own fruit
Sun doesnt give heat for it self
Moon doesnt ever go on honeymoon
Flowers dont spread fragrance for themself
Giving for others is the rule of nature….

Look at the brightness of the lamp, not the darkness
underneath it.
Optimism is not an attribute, its a way of life….

Life is'nt I-POD to listenyour favorite songs
Life is RADIO you must adjust yourself to enjoy whatever comes in it…

The main difference between God and human
Human : get, get, and forget
God : give, give, and forgive

Spoiler for Update versi indonesia gan:

Dua puluh tahun dari sekarang, kamu akan lebih kecewa dengan hal2 yang tidak kmu lakukan daripada hal yang kamu lakukan..

Biarkan yang lain memimpin kehidupan yang kecil,tapi bukan kau
Biarkan yang lain berdebat tentang hal yang kecil, tapi bukan kau
Biarkan yang lain menangisi hal2 kecil, tapi bukan kau
Biarkan orang lain menggantungkan masa depannya di tangan orang lain, tapi bukan kau

5 rahasia di dalam kamarmu
Atap berkata aku tinggi
Kipas berkata cuek saja
Jam berkata setiap menit adalah berharga
Cermin berkata berkacalah sebelum bertindak
Jendela berkata lihatlah dunia denganku

Jalan yang bagus tidak akan menghasilkan pengemudi yang handal
Laut yang tenag tidak akan menghasilkan Pelaut yang tangguh
Langit yang cerah tidak akan menghasilkan Pilot yang bagus
jangan pernah tanyakan kenapa aku,sebagai ganti cobalah aku

lebih berfikirlah tentang karaktemu daripada reputasimu
karakter adalah bagaimana dirimu sesnungguhnya
sedangkan reputasi hanyalah apa yang orang fikirkan tentang kmu

Spoiler for update dari agan:

ketika semua jalan telah tertutup
untuk maju tidak bisa
untuk mundur pun tidak bisa
untuk melihat kanan kiri pun juga tidak bisa
selalu ada celah untuk melihat ke atas
jadi, jangan lupa libatkan TUHAN dalam setiap aktivitasmu

- it is our choices, not our abilities, that make us who we are
- If you have a big problem, you are the only person who can solve the problem

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